Reviewing & Editorial work
- Algorithms, MDPI
- Applied Sciences, MDPI
- Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly, University of Niš
- Coatings, MDPI
- Cogent Engineering, Taylor & Francis Online
- Energies, MDPI
- Green Manufacturing Open, OAE
- Ingeniería e Investigación, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
- Journal of Alloys and Metallurgical Systems, Elsevier
- Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design, University of Novi Sad
- Machines, MDPI
- Materials, MDPI
- Metals, MDPI
- Processes, MDPI
- Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
- Sustainability, MDPI
- The Journal of Engineering, The Institution of Engineering and Technology
- World Electric Vehicle Journal, MDPI
- ICMMEN 2020
- Professional Association Modern Technologies in Industrial Engineering, Greece branch